Tuesday, May 31, 2016

105 blessed years

In 2013, we had the honor of traveling to DaNang, home town of one of our team members. Prior to visiting, she told us that her Grandfather was 102 years old, thus I had to meet this man.
Part of our journey this year was to revisit Chi's Grandfather who is now 105 years old. Needless to say, it was again such an honor to spend some time, albeit short, with a man who has lived and seen over a century of lifes beauty.
An additional blessing this year is that he got a chance to meet his great great grandsons for the first time. Kevin is 20 and Chris is 19, both of who have never visited Vietnam nor met their great grandfather. Seeing this interaction was truly amazing.

Thank you Chi for once again sharing your family with ours!!

It made all of our team reflect on our ancestry. Some never knew their grandparents, some only when they were barely old enough to recall, and others, like me, and very fortunate to have known all 4 for many years.

Today I send warm, loving, respectful, and thankful thoughts to my own Grandfather, Charles, who will be 96 this year. He has taught me about life, respect and honor. His presence in all of our lives made us a better, stronger family.

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