Thursday, June 9, 2016

Life changing prosthetic fitting

Our mission is composed of 2 major components. First is the orthopedic medical clinic and second is is the prosthetics clinic. Our partnering team from Mercer University is trained well and supplies all the materials needed to successfully fit prosthetic legs. Patients in Vietnam have lower extremity amputations for a variety of reasons including silent land mines, trauma, diabetic complications etc...
Many of them go years without having the ability to walk on 2 legs, while others get very creative with their home made prosthetics. We see patients who make limbs out of wood, tree stumps, and even sheet metal. These legs typically are heavy and do not properly fit for a correct walking gait leading to pain, sores and infections. Our team develops and makes universally fitting prosthetic legs that are able to be custom made to fit each and every amputee. They are strong, durable, lightweight and most importantly properly fit.
This fitting process can take up to 8-10 hours of hard labor, which the patients gladly endure for the chance to have a normal life once more. From the intake process you can hear the stories of the cause of the amputation which is always emotional. Once taken into the fitting area, their stumps are tested for strength, range of motion, and measured. After hours of very detailed and accurate variations, the patient is finally ft to a custom made new leg.
When they arrive back at checkout, the overwhelming joy, smiles, and sometimes tears barely can describe the way they feel. There is something very rewarding, gratifying and life altering for our team members, that help to improve a life one leg at a time!!!

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